Episode 39: This Is Extremely Plausible

Book 39: The Hidden

In this episode:

  • The council is divided on the existence of the buffa-human

  • Seagull ex machina

  • How good was this plan to drop an anvil on the helicopter? (Spoiler: it was not even a little bit good)

  • The rules for giving someone the morphing power

  • Do simpler minds morph via alternate mechanisms?

  • Buffa-human did nothing wrong

  • How much technological empowerment do you have to give a buffalo before it has the rights of a human?

  • Buffa-human as a Turing test

  • The wonder of the buffa-andalite

  • The Animorphs' strategy in this book is so bad. It's just SO bad.

  • They must be running out of Hork-Bajir by now

  • Why doesn't Erek just eat the escafil device

  • Don't worry, Gray, there are still good books left