Episode 47.5: Sixty-Five Million Year Plan

The Ellimist Chronicles

In this episode:

  • Jenny, Ted, Gray, and returning guest host Joys discuss The Ellimist Chronicles

  • Gray updates her endgame prediction

  • Toomin is basically Bella from Twilight

  • The Ketrans are cool and not a monoculture

  • Lift for all!!

  • Turns out the Ellimist invented dogs

  • Free will vs. the predictability of the universe

  • The true Y-space

  • The importance of a balanced opponent

  • Gray has a new goal in life

  • Crayak is evil but also super boring

  • Applegrant and the value of military preparedness

  • What is a game, anyway?

  • Toomin and Menno were secretly in love

  • Ketrans are part of American gamer culture, somehow

  • Secret revealed: Chee can fly

  • Trauma changes you and you can never go back again

  • Misogyny continues to be universal

  • Crayak is the ultimate emo kid

  • We (mostly) like the Ellimist but we wouldn't if we knew him